Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) - 778 Words

This video I selected was Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Dr. Krumboltz and facilitate an enlightening discussion on this approach. The theoretical approach was used to aid therapist in applying their scientific knowledge about human behavior to help client’s solve a problem. At 00:20 in the video, Jon Carlson explains that it’s determined by two underlying beliefs in both a product and a producer in their environment and if a person can change their thoughts with their cognitions or their behavior or actions (Psychotherapy.net., 1997). It’s based on the idea that how we feel (emotion), how we act (behavior) and how we think (cognition) all interact together. Specifically, our thoughts determine our feelings and our behavior (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). How Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT ) Resonates with Me Cognitive Behavioral Therapy resonates with me because I’m learning to develop counseling skills. As counselors, I will develop awareness of when my client makes negative interpretations or have behavioral patterns which reinforce the distorted thinking. Cognitive therapy helps people to develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving which aims to reduce their psychological distress. The cognitive counselor teaches clients how to identify distorted cognitions through a process of evaluation (Butler Beck, 2000). The clients learn to discriminate between their own thoughts and reality. Through this process they learn theShow MoreRelatedCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )2001 Words   |  9 PagesINTRODUCTION Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is ubiquitous and a proven approach to treatment for a host of diverse psychological difficulties (Wedding Corsini, 2014). There are copious of acceptable created experiments that show to be highly useful in treating anxiety disorders through GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder approach (Fawn Spiegler, 2008). The purpose of this assignment is to expound on the client’s demography and demonstrating concern. The first procedure in this assignment willRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )937 Words   |  4 PagesFirst and foremost, what is cognitive behavioral therapy? The Mayo Clinic website defines cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a common type of psychotherapy, talk therapy, wherein the individual seeking therapy works with a mental health counselor in a structured way for a prescribed set of meeting. (web citation) CBT is a goal oriented therapeutic approach which allows the individual in therapy to identify troubling situations or conditions in their life; allows the individual to become awareRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1373 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature Review Cognitive behavioral therapy is a widely-used technique that is practiced in a variety of different fields across the spectrum. Cognitive behavioral therapy is derived from the cognitive behavioral theory. According to Dorflinger (2016), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapy approach that addresses maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that can negatively impact mood and overall function (p. 1286). Cognitive behavioral therapy is a mix between cognitive therapy and behaviorRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1257 Words   |  6 Pages Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, empirically valid amalgamation of facets from cognitive and behavior therapies. Cognitive-behaviorists believe that psychological problems stem from maladaptivity in both thought and behavior patterns, whether self-taught or learned from others. Therefore, changes have to take place in both thoughts and actions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is structured as collaboration between clie nt and therapist, focusing on the present. A prominent aspectRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay935 Words   |  4 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that is based on a combination of cognitive and behavioral therapy. CBT focuses on how a person’s distorted thought process and inaccurate belief system influences their mood and behaviors. Once it can be identified, the blended therapy aims to change a person’s thinking to be more adaptive and healthy, which will lead to change unhealthy behavior patterns (National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). This type of psychotherapy has beenRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1697 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one therapeutic approach that is capable of providing this group with effective psychotherapeutic treatment and interventions as well as approaches that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of group therapy. Often developed for sk ills training, cognitive-behavioral groups are characterized by the use of practical interventions focused on behavior modification techniques (Wilson, Bouffard, and Mackenzie; 2005). The therapeutic goal of cognitive behavioralRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1417 Words   |  6 Pagesgoals. In review of Elizabeth’s assessment, the models of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy will be reviewed in detail to determine which is best to be applied to her presenting clinical symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely utilized intervention within the field of social work practice. According to Hepworth (2011), it is considered to be the cornerstone of cognitive behavioral approaches (p.408-09). CBT focuses on the premise that thoughts trigger an emotionalRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay1717 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an insight-focused therapy that emphasizes the here-and-now. It is typically brief and time-limited, collaborative in nature, fairly structured and empirically based (Freeman, Felgoise, Nezu, Nezu, Reinecke, 2005). Aaron Beck is a major name that arises when discussing the origins of CBT. Beck (1970) contends that individual perceptions of events shape feelings and behaviors. This theory places emphasis on the concept of automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughtsRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1990 Words   |  8 PagesCognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a branch of ps ychotherapy that encompasses several approaches; falling under the heading of CBT. CBT is based on the premise that people s emotional responses and behavior are strongly influenced by cognitions; the fundamental principle being: different cognitions give rise to different emotions and behaviors. CBT was developed out of a combination of both behavior and cognitive principles. CBT is the most empirically supported therapy model and is used toRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )2209 Words   |  9 Pagesto get the support they need because they do not have the appropriate resources. Furthermore, both therapy and medication do cost a price and not everyone is able to afford it. Treatment, such as therapy, is extremely important for people who suffer from anxiety and depression so that they are able to learn new strategies and overcome their struggles. In particular, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has become very popular and is currently being used by many practitioners in order to change patterns

Monday, December 16, 2019

Personal Ethical Communication Statement Free Essays

Having a strong character, I also have a predisposition to optimism that influences positively my communication. I use these personality characteristics to encourage others, but I have realized that my communication needs to be improved due to societal roles that affect my perceptions. Since the world is made up of different categories of people, cultures, and races with which I have to interact, I have the obligation to watch how my perceptions are formed and influenced. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Ethical Communication Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now I always believe that the success is the fruit of a hard work or a higher education as a dominant perception; but when reading the text book â€Å"Human Communication in society, I have discovered that the opposite site should be taken into consideration. Focusing on hard work and education was blocking my sight to see what others people are trying. As inference, I thought that some people are living in poverty because they did not go to school or did not want to work hard. This is a wrong inference which I have decided to reject. I recognize that some people did not have the opportunity to go to school despite their willingness to do so. Being from Africa and black, I used to think that due to racial discrimination, the United States would never be led by a black person. The opposite side of my thoughts was proven since president Obama was elected in 2008. That thought was based on my individual experience and the historical time period that showed that among 43 presidents who led the U. S since it has been a country, there was no African American person. This has helped me understand that it is not a good idea to rely on experience or time period. Personally, I realized that I have been experiencing ethnocentrism to some degree because I thought that only my culture was giving more importance to marriage; and all other groups were negligent in the matter. Also, I was stereotyping a group of people according to what I heard about them that most of them were thieves or liars. This has led me to experience prejudice to one of my co-workers who belonged to that specific group. It affected our communication because I could not trust her or believe in what she could say. As a mother, I thought that I knew better than my children so that I could choose for them the kind and colors of their clothes, their fields of studies, their food and so on. To improve my communication with my children, I have decided to discuss with them about everything before letting them making their own choices. How to cite Personal Ethical Communication Statement, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Glass Castle free essay sample

A. Jeannette Walls, in her memoir The Glass Castle, demonstrates Erikson’s eight stages of development. Through the carefully recounted stories of her childhood and adolescence, we are able to trace her development from one stage to the next. While Walls struggles through some of the early developmental stages, she inevitably succeeds and has positive outcomes through adulthood. The memoir itself is not only the proof that she is successful and productive in middle adulthood, but the memoir may also have been part of her healing process. Writing is often a release and in writing her memoir and remembering her history, she may have been able to come to terms with her sad past. The memoir embodies both the proof that she has successfully graduated through Erickson’s stages of development while also being the reason that she is able to do so. Erikson posited that there are eight stages of psychosocial development that a human being goes through during his or her lifetime. This contrast of emotions can best be described through various quotes given throughout the novel. â€Å"In my mind, Dad was perfect, although he did have what mom called a bit of a drinking situation† (Walls 23). This is one of the first occasions where the reader is introduced to the contrasting feelings about Rex that members of the Walls family have. Jeannette, despite already knowing that her father has a drinking problem at a young age, still feels that her father can do no wrong. This sets the scene for how most of the book develops, Jeannette idolizing her father, despite the slight disdain visibly felt by others. â€Å"We laughed about all the kids who believed in the Santa Clause myth and got nothing but a bunch of cheap plastic toys. Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten,’ dad said, ‘ you’ll still have your stars† (41). This is yet another example of the strong bond developed between Rex and Jeannette. However, it is important to note this quote is delivered at a time when Rex is still in relatively good standings with the rest of the family, besides just Jeannette. On that Christmas, even though he couldn’t provide his children with material gifts, he was still able to deliver a memorable gift, which the children could cherish for the rest of their lives. I swear honey, there are times when I think you’re the only one around who still has faith in me,’ he said. ’I don’t know what I’d do if you ever lost it. ’ I told him I would never lose faith in him. And I promised myself I never would† (78-79). This quote perfectly sums up the relationship Rex had with his daughter. It also further exemplifies th e acknowledged differences between how Jeannette feels about her father, and how the rest of the family feels. Even though Rex has let Jeannette down just as many times as Lori, or Brian, she is still able to somehow see past these faults of Rex’s. Throughout this novel the character’s general feelings on Rex sway dramatically. Even Jeannette’s feelings for her father are tried at some points. Yet through everything that happens she never truly loses faith in her father. Jeannette always maintains a sense of respect and love for Rex, despite the tribulations he has brought the family through. Even up to his last moments on his deathbed, Jeannette’s positive feelings for her father remain strong. This contrasted affection between what Jeannette feels for Rex, and what everyone else thinks, is what the glass castle really signifies.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Should A Moment Of Silence Be Legal In Public Schools In 1962 The Sup

Should a "moment of silence" be legal in public schools? In 1962 the Supreme Court decided that public schools did not have the power to authorize school prayer. This decision made public school in the U.S. more atheistic than many European nations. For example, crosses still hang on the classroom walls in Poland, and the Ten Commandments are displayed in Hungary. There are prayers held at the beginning of legislative and judicial sessions and every President has mentioned a divine power in his inaugural speech. In keeping with a spirit of religious freedom as stated in the First Amendment, there is no reason why students should not be allowed to have a moment of silence during the school day when they can pray or do as they choose. The case Engel v. Vitale in 1962 decided that school prayer is unconstitutional. With this case, it was pointed out that the students were to "voluntarily" recite the following prayer: "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country." The court ruled that this rule was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment's "establishment clause," which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In response to the Engel v.Vitale case some schools adopted a "moment of silence." In 1963, another case was brought before the court dealing with school prayer, Abington School District v. Schempp. The Schempp family challenged a law in Pennsylvania requiring the students to say ten verses of the Bible before school. These readings from the Bible were declared unconstitutional. Members of the board felt reading the Bible would give the children more moral values. The Schempp family strongly disagreed. Members of Congress attempted to find a compromise. From this effort came the adoption of the moment of silence, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment's "Free Exercise" clause. Six states now permit silent moments -- Geo rgia, Virginia, Maryland, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. Silent prayer was ruled constitutional in 1985 as long as it had no religious intent or purpose. (Newsweek, October 3, 1994) Prayer has been banned in schools for thirty-three years. The moment of silence has been ruled constitutional, however. Every student fills a moment of silence in a different way: through song, a prayer, or a memory. Newsweek, October 3, 1994, vol. 124. U.S. News and World Report, December 5, 1995 Vol. 117, No. 22, pg. 8-9. The Case of Engel v. Vitale 370 U.S. 421 1962, p. 118-119. Abington School District v. Schempp 374 U.S. 203; 83 S. Ct. 1560; 10 L. Ed. 2d 844 1963, pg. 529-530. Should A Moment Of Silence Be Legal In Public Schools In 1962 The Sup Should a "moment of silence" be legal in public schools? In 1962 the Supreme Court decided that public schools did not have the power to authorize school prayer. This decision made public school in the U.S. more atheistic than many European nations. For example, crosses still hang on the classroom walls in Poland, and the Ten Commandments are displayed in Hungary. There are prayers held at the beginning of legislative and judicial sessions and every President has mentioned a divine power in his inaugural speech. In keeping with a spirit of religious freedom as stated in the First Amendment, there is no reason why students should not be allowed to have a moment of silence during the school day when they can pray or do as they choose. The case Engel v. Vitale in 1962 decided that school prayer is unconstitutional. With this case, it was pointed out that the students were to "voluntarily" recite the following prayer: "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country." The court ruled that this rule was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment's "establishment clause," which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In response to the Engel v.Vitale case some schools adopted a "moment of silence." In 1963, another case was brought before the court dealing with school prayer, Abington School District v. Schempp. The Schempp family challenged a law in Pennsylvania requiring the students to say ten verses of the Bible before school. These readings from the Bible were declared unconstitutional. Members of the board felt reading the Bible would give the children more moral values. The Schempp family strongly disagreed. Members of Congress attempted to find a compromise. From this effort came the adoption of the moment of silence, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment's "Free Exercise" clause. Six states now permit silent moments -- Geo rgia, Virginia, Maryland, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. Silent prayer was ruled constitutional in 1985 as long as it had no religious intent or purpose. (Newsweek, October 3, 1994) Prayer has been banned in schools for thirty-three years. The moment of silence has been ruled constitutional, however. Every student fills a moment of silence in a different way: through song, a prayer, or a memory. Newsweek, October 3, 1994, vol. 124. U.S. News and World Report, December 5, 1995 Vol. 117, No. 22, pg. 8-9. The Case of Engel v. Vitale 370 U.S. 421 1962, p. 118-119. Abington School District v. Schempp 374 U.S. 203; 83 S. Ct. 1560; 10 L. Ed. 2d 844 1963, pg. 529-530.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Theory of Connectivism

The Theory of Connectivism Educational theory Learning is a crucial activity in the lives of humans and its forms the basis of the educational process (Isman (2011). Consequently, a lot of attention has been paid to the understanding of how learning takes place, leading to the formulation of numerous theories of learning and instruction. These theories have evolved over the years as developments in other areas of education continue to happen.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on The Theory of Connectivism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no one theory that can be described as the perfect theory that fits in all learning situations. This means that different theories are applied to different learning situations. The various theories of education and learning describe how learning occurs, the factors that shape learning, the importance of memory in learning, and how knowledge is transferred (Ravenscroft (2011). Behaviorism is one of w ell known learning theories. The theory posits that human beings receive a stimulus in the process of learning, which they respond to. According to Isman (2011), this mode of learning is best promoted by task-based learning. Learning under behaviorism is also influenced by the rewards that are obtained from learning, as well as punishment. Repeated experiences end up establishing memory. Cognitivism is the other theory of learning, which posits that learning occurs in a structured way. Yilmaz (2011) argues that knowledge is transferred by duplicating the knowledge of the instructor in cognitive learning. Consequently, problem solving type of learning highly promotes this mode of learning. The third most common learning theory is constructivism, which is a theory that proposes that knowledge is passed through socialization. Social and cultural factors seem to influence learning under this theory. A more recent theory of learning is the connectivism theory, which posits that knowledge is transferred by connecting to the source if knowledge. According to Ravenscroft (2011), connectivism is a complex learning mode where learning is distributed in a web and it is enhanced by technological advancement. Connectivism According to Thomas (2010), the emergence and development of diverse communication tools and the subsequent deployment of these tools in the discharge of education has resulted in the alteration of the learning environment. What is meant here is that there is a lot of change in the way education is discharged.Advertising Looking for dissertation on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This comes from the fact that education is changing from the traditional perspective where it was delivered in specific learning environments that were largely confined in nature to the development of a virtual learning environment where content is not only guided by the teachers, but is also discharged by students who use technology to advance learning between and among themselves. This literature review contains the discussion of how the theory of connectivism has been applied in the field of education. Siemens (2011) argues that information technology has transformed the traditional learning environment in a significant way that necessitates a new learning theory. One rationale for the creation of a new theory of learning is that in the digital age, most learning environments are intertwined, technological, and social in nature (Kaufman Mann, 2007). Kaufman and Mann (2007) further observe that the different connection points in learning have been developed in learning where the use of technology, especially the web 2.0 technology tools are used to create learning groups by students. This is done both in formal literacy and informal literacy within the wide learning environment that is becoming wider due to the prevalence of diverse technology platforms for discharging learning activities. Dunaway (2011) observes that connectivism is one of the foundational theories that provide a critical framework on which learning on the part of the students is characterized in the contemporary learning environment where information and communication technology is taking center stage in the learning environment. The contemporary application of information and communication tools and technologies in learning is slowly but surely resulting in limiting the role and actual influence of teachers as the moderators of learning and is promoting scenes where students are taking the center stage in the contemporary learning environment. At this juncture, it is imperative to revisit the observation by Thomas (2010), whose argument about the application of the connectivism learning theory in the modern learning environment that is technology driven, reiterates on change in the manner in which literacy instruction is discharged.Advertising We will write a custom dissertatio n sample on The Theory of Connectivism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The connectivist approach to learning can, thus, be better informed by looking at the real attributes of learning and literacy as fostered by both the learners and the educators (Dunaway, 2011). Pan and Franklin (2011) found that students had a comfort level customizing social media and educational tools to meet their learning needs. However, for many teachers, it was their first experience with online collaboration and Web 2.0 tools in an educational context. Kvavik (2005) noted that for Web 2.0 tools and a connectivist theory to be embraced, teachers should be eager and ready to utilize the technology. As the online environment matures, the role of both teachers and students grows, especially within group discussions where students interact with one another as opposed to interacting exclusively with the teacher. The connectivist learning theory alters the role of the t eacher, ensuring that students are involved and engaged in learning by answering each others posts as opposed to answering the teacher (Livingston, 2011). In a case study of blogging and its use in the connectivist learning theory, Garcia, Brown, and Elbeltagi (2013) found that connectivism has influenced the way blogs are used in teaching and learning. The change may not only be from the acceptance of blogging as a part of the instructional process, but also in how teachers and students have embraced the connectivist learning style (Garcia et al., 2013). Blogging provided collaborative opportunities for students to communicate online (Richardson, 2010). Another component of blogging that supported the connectivist learning theory is the manner content or remotely located experts could become involved in the learning environment. Blogging also represents an essential aspect of the connectivist principle that students can make associations for learning, while being associated within a network (Boitshwarelo, 2011). Technology has facilitated learners to access a wealth of information resources; for instance, online libraries, peer-reviewed journals, and book reference services along with social media, blogging, and Web 2.0 tools (Lemke, Coughlin, Garcia, Reifsneider, Baas, 2009). The availability of content and the fact that leaners can access information through these tools is a positive indicator of using technology in facilitating learning.Advertising Looking for dissertation on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With the availability of information, the use of teachers as the source of information as embraced in traditional learning environment is quite limited. This is in lime with the observation by London and Hall (2011), who noted that the intense deployment of Web 2.0 technology tools in learning in the contemporary learning environment denotes a shift from the teacher-controlled models of learning to the learner controlled model of learning. The emergence of digital literacies (print to paperless) has also intensified the need for connectivism. Lee, Messom, and Yau (2013) studied one school’s e-book implementation and determined that many surveyed students preferred e-books due to the Web 2.0 component. In the case study, students could post information on discussion boards and join to e-books so that their fellow students and educators could react and remark on posts that were freely accessible by course participants. As theory-guided practice in this case study, cooperation a mong students empowered them to interpret e-book content and to impart information among other learners (Lee et al., 2013). This indicates the ease with which collaboration and networking in learning can be attained in social and technological networks that are developed courtesy of the availability of technology. Tu et al. (2012) applauds the fact that learning is broadened because of the fact that learners can easily connect and establish learning networks on the technology platform. Collaborating on discussion boards facilitated many of the features in a connectivist learning model; for example, allowing communication between students, (Ferdig Trammell, 2004) elevating peer groups to assist in learning (Glogoff, 2005), and the evolution of discussion groups (Macduff, 2009). With the use of technology, students can now easily establish and sustain important learning networks, with only limited support from the instructors (Boitshwarelo, 2011). Another important aspect captured in the new paradigm is the emerging collaborative nature of education (Dunaway, 2011). Williams, Karousou, and Mackness (2011) studied Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (CCK08) at the University of Manitoba. With a rolling enrollment, students were able to plan their own path through the course content that was available on the course website. Students agreed that all knowledge would be created collaboratively and openly shared among all course members. Williams et al. (2011) remarked that CCK08 fulfilled key conditions for a connectivist course, such as asynchronous and synchronous learning events, daily aggregation of knowledge, content experts, discussion boards, and student responsibility for their own learning goals. Williams et al. (2011) noted that many of the students in CCK08 withdrew from the course. Consequently, the authors concluded that connectedness alone does not guarantee collaboration, let alone connectivist learning. CCK08 was a failed attempt to illustrate the application of theory, where the learning process has shifted from a one-sided and impersonal process into a dynamic one characterized by interpersonal communication, distant support, and increased platforms for information besides the instructor, such as access to world-class resources and experts (Kaufman Mann, 2007). Connectivism has informed the practice of librarians seeking greater student engagement in information literacy. Dunaway (2011) proposed that the learning theory of connectivism be merged with the framework of metaliteracy. In so doing, librarians can promote the development of personal learning networks for students. Mackey and Jacobson (2011) defined metaliteracy as a framework that integrates emergent technologies with various literacies, such as cyber, digital, media, and information literacy. Here, connectivism learning theory is embedded in the fact that a lot of people are engaged on social networks supported by the emergent technologies that support these ne tworks. Therefore, different locus of knowledge sharing and dissemination emerges, thereby challenging the traditional culture of learning that emphasized on a single dimension of learning; the use of instructors in discharging learning activities. Friesen and Lowe (2012) observed that the social media, which is part of web 2.0 technology tools, is promoting connective learning in the sense that it promotes the creation of engaged learning environments. New forms of leaning environments that are more engaging keep coming up as people embrace the use of social media in communication. References Dunaway, M. (2011). Connectivism learning theory and pedagogical practice for networked information landscapes. Reference Services Review, 39(4), 675-685. Friesen, N. N., Lowe, S. S. (2012). The questionable promise of social media for education: connective learning and the commercial imperative. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(3), 183-194. Isman, A. (2011). Instructional design in education: New model. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology TOJET, 10(1), 136-142. London, M., Hall, M. (2011). Unlocking the value of Web 2.0 technologies for training and development: The shift from instructor-controlled, adaptive learning to learner-driven, generative learning. Human Resource Management, 50(6), 757-775. Ravenscroft, A. (2011). Dialogue and connectivism: a new approach to understanding and promoting dialogue-rich networked learning. International Review of Research in Open And Distance Learning, 12(3), 139-160. Thomas, H. (2010). Learning spaces, learning environments and the dis‘placement’ of learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(3), 502-511. Tu, C., Sujo-Montes, L., Yen, C., Chan, J., Blocher, M. (2012). The integration of personal learning environments open network learning environments. Techtrends: Linking Research Practice to Improve Learning, 56(3), 13-19. Yilmaz, K. (2011). The cognitive perspective on learning : its theoretical underpinnings and implications for classroom practices. Clearing House, 84(5), 204. doi:10.1080/00098655.2011.568989

Friday, November 22, 2019

Great Writing is a Goal, Not a Destination

Great Writing is a Goal, Not a Destination One of my favorite short poems is â€Å"Now We Are Six† But now I am six, I’m as clever as clever. So I think I’ll be six now and forever. It makes everyone smile because all adults know that the boy may be as clever as clever in his own eyes, but he has barely started his journey. Now those words make me smile for another reason. I recognize that feeling. It is the same feeling I had when I held the proof copy of my first novel in my hands. Now I am an author, as clever as clever. And I will write novels now and forever. It was a moment of hubris, embarrassing in retrospect, but powerful at the time. Ask any writer about his or her first novel- not the first published novel, but the first novel (s)he ever wrote. I’m sure most of them will laugh and say little more. The novel that gave me my moment of triumph was not the first novel I wrote, but the first one that went out into the world. My moment of triumph lasted for several days until one of my best friends called to tell me what a great book it was†¦and to point out that I was really fond of run-on sentences. That let the air out of my balloon. That was many years ago, and I have since consumed many books, blogs, courses, and workshops about writing. I continue to write, and deep inside I think every book is better than the ones before it. Whether or not my books are better, I will continue to learn and sharpen my craft. I no longer think I’m as clever as clever, but I’m working on it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FINAL EXAM PAPER. strengths and weaknesses in american society between Term Paper

FINAL EXAM . strengths and weaknesses in american society between 1900 and present - Term Paper Example The 20th century started with the passing of the Gold Standard Act, which controlled the value of the dollar (McCulley 39). In 1901, inclusion of Cherokee, Seminole, Muscogee, Chickasaw and the Choctaw boosted cultural diversification of America. In 1907, America experienced a state of economic panic caused by a fall in the stock market (U.S. Department of the Treasury 1). The incidence affected the country’s economic performance. The year 1924 saw the granting of citizenship to Indians through the enactment of the Indian Citizenship Act (Sadiq 11). The year 1991 saw the involvement of America in the formulation of the treaty of Versailles, which positioned her as an influential country in the world. The American art industry saw which covered the civil war and the aftermath consequences. The film also  featured  the  incidence during the  assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Arnold Schoenberg influenced the music industry through the development of the twelve-tone music composition method. The year 1917 saw the buying of a war bond by the America as an initiative to support war against the central powers. Eliot, T.S. wrote the poem â€Å"The Waste Land† poem, which covers the cultural problems that resulted after the World War I. The poem marked a revolution in the art sector of the country. The Great Depression started in 1929. The consequences of the incidence were increased unemployment and the massive closure of many of the U.S banks. Franklin Roosevelt advocated the New Deal in 1933, whose aims were to set up programs to solve the economic state of the country (Boyer et al. 737). The primary social occurrence of this period was the increased support of the isolationism. Due to the profound negative effects of the world war, the Americans thought that it was wise to withdraw from their involvement in the European issues. In 1938, Mexico expropriated foreign oil companies operating in the country. As a reaction to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Joyce Carol Oates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Joyce Carol Oates - Essay Example The paper tells that born in 1938, Joyce’s writing was evident even at the age of 15 when her first novel was rejected due to its ‘dark’ way of characterizing things. Joyce’s style appeared to be extraordinarily unfamiliar, and her gates of writing opened further after completing a master’s program at Wisconsin University.   Her work showed a lot of creativity, and this showed the perfect relationship between humans, and also showing better approach to humankind in terms of rape, murder and mysterious existence. It is witnessed in Tucson case that the story is showing us the very unfamiliar life of a girl, which surrounds a life hidden under the pillow. These provide the evidence that psychologically brings about killer sin the hands of her life, and it also proofs evidence of desires, love, and existence. The changing life is full of dreams and youngster existence which is thought to be comprised of sexual desires and whose Joyce Oates analysis pr ovides full idea about the killer scene. This fully reflects uncertainties in her life, and her story shows ironies that are nonetheless full of her personal inertia in both the real world and the original standing of her life. Oates capture in the street life is surrounded by narcissism, viciousness, and cheapness which are a non-existent belief in the life of excitement, unknown destination and above all, wilting fortunes that desperately involves astonishing actions and events.   Her future in the episode appears to go unnoticed, and†allocate the fatal attraction of death (or the devil) for a young woman who is seduced by her own vanity† has created shortfall in desires for sex, devil and symbolical mysteries. The craziness of life and the characteristic life embraces the staggering sense of sensation. From the â€Å"Shaggy black hair that like crazy as a wig...† changing problems of her life, she allocated herself a winding reality of hate, disuse of life an d characteristic disconnection with reality. While in Tucson’s understanding, Oates appear disconnected and the real images created appeared to be awkward and unrealistic. The Creation of a retelling Joyce life define the seemingly changing classic archetypes that are different from the existing phenomena and the different manner in which her thoughts are being retold again and again provides a repeated emphasis on humanity and the myriads of vices planted in the way. And this pessimism explores gruel mechanisms that that society is based. Ultimately, Propp, (1968) provides Joyce position amorality, imaginative war and serial killer dynamics. These dictated the retell and this also became the existing imagination that appeared to be incomprehensible and unpredictable. The elusive point of death and eroticism also provide obsessive characterization which reexamines Oates invasive victimization. This touches the shady romance and the tales, â€Å"Hawthornean, romantic, shading into parable†. The tale paradoxes the unromantic reality that explores the interventions and aggressive change in life defines powerful forces that are realistically comprised of people and a changing fortune which is historically examined by nature. The story is repeated in absolute show of the objective nature of passion, change and contemporary change. Johnson, (1994) in Joyce Oates characterizes the thoughtfulness of killers as a fairy tale and this also establishes the actual reality of individualistic measure that both extorts and makes blunders relative to the positive levels of life. For example, the character formation provided a relevant environment which maximizes a unit of people’s believes in protectionism and extreme life change. Equally, her views express expressions that equally exploit the humane nature of dangerous situations such as murder, drunkenness and extortion. How much of the story is ‘theirs’ – Where are you going This masterpiece of Joyce Carol Oates provides a special recognition of immediate reproach that mentions the past actions and hence develop a perhaps a renewed future. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Psychology and Family Law Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Family Law Essay Introduction: The Rise in Divorce Rates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rasul began his paper on the economics of child custody with an observation and analysis of the American family. For him, the last thirty years had been witness to dramatic transformations involving the American family (Rasul, 2006, 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This dramatic change since the 1970s consists in the composition of American families. Where thirty years ago, more than half of the American families consisted of a father, mother, and child or children, today such composition only forms one in five families (Rasul, 2006, 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Such significant change is attributed to one factor alone, which is divorce. Rasul observes that the instances of divorce have risen dramatically over the years, such that it affects more than one million children every year (Rasul, 2006, 1). In the United Kingdom, another industrialized region, forty-one percent of marriages end up in divorce within fourteen years (Lamb, Sternberg, Thompson, 1997, 394).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While divorce rates also increased in industrialized countries other than the United States, and the divorce rates in the United States already reached a plateau, the fact remains that the United States Bureau of Census estimated in 1992 that more than forty percent of first marriages in the country is bound to end in divorce. Moreover, the relative decline in divorce rates is accompanied by an equivalent effect, which is the number of people cohabiting without marriage and nonmarital child bearing. These other arrangements cause the decline in divorce, but end in the same situation of a broken family. (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 22).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The increase in divorce rates can also be attributed to the certain developments since the 1970s, which include the growing tolerance of society for divorce. Moreover, society is no longer strictly insistent on the maintenance of stereotypical family arrangements (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 104). Changes in Family Law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a consequence of these dramatic changes, changes in the field of family law also occur. These changes can be found both in substantive and procedural law (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 104-105).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Substantive law has changed due to observations of the effects of restrictive and punitive laws on divorce. Thus, many jurisdictions already steered away from the rule that one of the spouses must have committed some transgression before they can be granted divorce. Now, the prevalent rule in most jurisdictions is in accordance with the â€Å"no-fault† doctrine. This doctrine allows married couples to file for divorce on the simple ground of â€Å"irreconcilable differences (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 104).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another change in substantive law and policy can be found in the gender-neutral stance taken by courts in cases of divorce. The past decades illustrated a bias, manifested in the assumption that mothers have more inherent capability to take care of their children. Today, such an assumption is no longer strongly held. Rather, courts are now showing neutrality in gender and the determination of a family law case now hinges on the consideration of the â€Å"best interests of the child (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 104-105).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another change in substantial law and policy is manifested in the observation that there is a growing predilection over self-determined divorce and child custody arrangements. This trend of change is largely attributable to the belief that divorce is a private matter that must be left amongst them to be resolved. This belief is a break away from the previous prevailing thought about the states interest in protecting the sanctity of marriage through the regulation of its dissolution (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 104).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These changes in substantive law on divorce and family law necessarily caused changes in the procedural aspect of the law. Thus, the increased ease by which couples could seek divorce and the option of individualizing post divorce arrangements heavily increased the dockets of courts with divorce cases. This led the courts to encourage divorcing couples to find other alternative means of resolving their issues (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 105).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are also other factors that make alternative means of resolving family disputes and divorce issues more appealing. The lack of necessity for proving fault in a divorce action removed the need to adjudicate family issues. Moreover, the removal of the presumption in favor of the mothers capability to care for the child involved courts into making a determination about vague issues, such as love and care, which could be difficult to measure in a court setting. These factors all contributed to the growing popularity of other modes of dispute resolution, such as mediation (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 105). Divorce Mediation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One such alternative mode of dispute resolution recently applied in family law is mediation. Thus, divorce mediation, under which process a neutral third party intervenes to help the couple settle their differences through negotiation, receives the most attention lately (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 105) especially among parents who wish to get divorced (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 22).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When applied to help couples arrive at self-determined arrangements on matters of divorce and child custody, mediation is believed to cause four benefits, namely, â€Å"(a) more satisfaction with the terms of agreements, (b) greater compliance with agreements, (c) less postdivorce conflict between ex-spouses, and (d) better postdivorce emotional adjustment (DErrico Elwork, 1991, 105).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, mediation posed itself as a solution to the ever-increasing rates of divorce in the Untied States, as well as an alternative to ineffective and traditional methods of dispute settlement, such as litigation (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 22). Mediation is becoming the alternative method of dispute resolution of choice since it provides professional help to divorces, which have a high probability of getting acrimonious. Thus, there are only few couples that could manage to suffer a divorce in amicable terms. In a survey of two California counties, it was found that 24 percent of divorces therein required professional intervention, while 25 percent involved intense conflict (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 23).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mediation is also popular among couples seeking divorce because unlike court action or litigation, it has the ability to facilitate administration of justice and reduce cost, specifically in terms of money and time. Moreover, adversary settlement procedures are now believed to cause problems involving post separation family relationships, arising from parental conflict and divorce. (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 23). Comparison of Divorce Mediation and Adversary Settlement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not uncommon for mediation to get compared from other forms of dispute settlement, such as adversary settlement. In a study conducted by Emery, Sbarra and Grover, a comparison was made between mediation and adversary settlement through random assignment (2005, 25). They randomly approached families that were interested in contested custody hearing and offered them a mediation program as an eleventh hour settlement attempt (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 25).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This study yielded positive results with respect to the time of settlement of issues. Thus, the authors found that cases assigned to mediation were settled in half the time that settlement using adversary settlement occurred. On the other hand, there are other studies that conclude that mediation is better over adversary settlement in terms of cost, because the former is less expensive than the latter. In addition, it was observed that there is a â€Å"trend for greater compliance with child support orders among nonresidential parents who mediated† (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 27).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They also observed that there are more families coming from mediation that go back in order to update or change their existing arrangements. The authors view this in a positive light, saying that parenting plans should be viewed as living agreements that must be changed in accordance with corresponding changes in the stakeholders lives. Such changes are best made by going back to the mediation process (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 27).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, Emery, Sbarra and Grover noticed in the follow-up sessions to their study that most of their subjects who belonged to the mediation group were more open to the idea or suggestion of changing their original agreements. They are also the ones who actually adjusted their arrangements more often than those subjects who belonged to the adversary system (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 28).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The authors noted that the willingness of the subjects to modify their original arrangements, coupled with the actual facts of modification, is a positive finding. Aside from the fact that the changes had been far from chaotic, they prove that parents who underwent mediation had become more flexible in accommodating changes that are important in the lives of their children and their own (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 28).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The authors also looked into another factor to compare mediation with the adversary process. This factor is party satisfaction. They noted that each kind of method of dispute settlement has certain strengths. For example, the adversary systems known strength is that it ensures that the rights of both parties are protected. On the other hand, mediation is known for being more understanding of the feelings of the parties involved (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 28).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, this main difference, which had looked so glaring before study, disappeared in view of the results that showed that mediation consistently got high rates of party satisfaction over the adversary system, even if the assessment was based on the criterion that is known for being the strength of such system. More importantly, the authors observed that such high rate of party satisfaction remains relatively unchanged among different time durations. Thus, a party may be satisfied with mediation six weeks after mediation, but surprisingly, parties remain satisfied even after a period of more than a year (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 28). Important Elements of Mediation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mediation remains on the top of the list of effective methods of dispute settlement, especially in divorce rates, because it boasts of certain elements that ensure the process’ success. One such element is its capability of enlisting the cooperation of parents in order to take the long view, and consider the best interests of their children in the future (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 32).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Considering that divorce cases often involve high conflict, open hostility, and tension, it is difficult to call upon parents to cooperate with each other. However, mediation allows parents to take a look at the future of their relationship, maybe not as a couple, but as permanent parents (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 32).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mediation is also effective in educating divorcing parents and couples about emotions. These emotions involve not only those felt by the couple involved, but more importantly, those of their child or children. There are several techniques by which the goal of emotional education can be achieved, but one effective way is through the mediator’s reflection of a child’s possible emotional reactions to the crisis situation using his self as a medium. For example, the mediator could say how uncomfortable and scary an experience becomes when the couple starts fighting each other. Thus, mediation allows parents to realize that their bickering actually affects the emotions of people around them, and thereby stop thinking about themselves. It is apparent therefore that mediation does not necessarily provide therapy for the emotional problems of the parties, but it allows them to understand the feelings and emotions involved in order to help them control such emotions in the best possible way and, in the process, achieve a good plan for the family (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 33).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Finally, mediation is an effective process because it helps parties avoid treating each other as adversaries. A business-like approach such as the one commonly used in mediation allows the parties to approach issues in a distant and less emotional state. Moreover, not treating each other as adversaries avoids the road to strained relationships that only cause the wounds of the divorce to get worse (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 34). Effects of Divorce on Children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The trend in favor of divorce and single parenthood in industrialized countries has raised concerns about the effects of such family arrangements to children involved. Unfortunately for children, divorce often leads to negative immediate effects, such as serious emotional and psychological disturbance. Considering that psychological symptoms such as emotional disturbance, loneliness, depression, anger, helplessness, and many others are common among the parents or couples involved, it should be expected that such negative effects would be experienced more severely by the children trapped inside the crisis (Lamb, Sternberg, Thompson, 1997, 394).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is worth noting that the difficulty of children in dealing with their parents’ divorce is aggravated by the fact that the parents involved in the crisis are often too preoccupied with their personal emotions such that they fail to give much-needed support to their children. Worse, these parents often fall in the temptation to make too much demand that worsen the situation for their children (Lamb, Sternberg, Thompson, 1997, 395).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another problem common to children in divorce situations is the economic problem brought about by the need to maintain two separate residences, and the common situation of mothers who are more economically-challenged than the fathers. However, such situation is avoided or minimized in cases where the parents resolve their conflicts and work out a way of providing for the educational, emotional, and economic needs of their children (Lamb, Sternberg, Thompson, 1997, 395-396). Conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Divorce and single parenting is increasingly becoming common in industrialized regions such as the United States and the United Kingdom. This trend is caused by several factors and, in turn, causes several issues, practices, and concerns in many different levels, such as the family, children, substantive and procedural law, and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (Rasul, 2006, 1; DErrico Elwork, 1991, 104).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Divorce causes deleterious effects on the parties. However, the negative impact of divorce is more squarely felt by the affected children who, in their tender age, are forced into adjusting and coping with the emotional stress and burden necessitated by divorce proceedings (Lamb, Sternberg, Thompson, 1997, 394).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Such hardships could be minimized by different factors, such as cooperation between parents in providing emotional, economic and educational support to their children. Parents also have the option of minimizing or totally avoiding antagonism and hostility in the divorce proceedings by choosing to undergo mediation rather than court litigation. Indeed, mediation provides many advantages and avoids the stress involved in court action (Emery, Sbarra Grover, 2005, 22). References DErrico, M. G. Elwork, A. (1991). Are Self-Determined Divorce and Child Custody   Ã‚   Agreements Really Better? Family and Conciliation Courts Review 29(2), 104-  Ã‚   113.  Emery, R. E., Sbarra, D. Grover, T. (2005). Divorce Mediation: Research and Reflections. Family Court Review 43(1), 22-37.  Lamb, M. E., Sternberg, K. J., Thompson, R. A. (1997). The Effects of Divorce and    Custody Arrangements on Childrens Behavior, Development, and Adjustment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Family and Conciliation Courts Review 35(4), 393-404.  Rasul, I. (2006). The Economics of Child Custody. Economica 73, 1-25.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Open Boat Essay -- Literary Analysis, Stephen Crane

â€Å"When it came night, the white waves passed to and fro in the moonlight, and the wind brought the sound of the great sea’s voice to the men on the shore, and they felt they could then be interpreters† (Crane 370). â€Å"The Open Boat,† written by Stephen Crane, describes the journey of four men stranded in a dinghy in the middle of the ocean and the hardships that had to be faced in order to survive. This story is not only a riveting story, keeping readers on the edge of their seat, but the story also makes the reader realize how precious life truly is. Sometimes people have a tendency to take life as a grain of salt and do not think about the realization that life can be taken away within the blink of an eye. As in â€Å"The Open Boat,† the crew members learned they could not survive alone, and their only option was to work together as a team. We need to have that same perspective toward our everyday life when we, or someone we see, are struggling. The Captain is a major character in the story, and his character holds the other crew members heads up keeping them motivated during times of distress. He was the captain on the original boat, but after the boat sank, he become injured and could not physically participate in keeping the dinghy afloat. In the beginning, the captain feels that he has lost his sense of direction due to not being used to letting others take charge. Without his sense of authority intact, he feels disconnected from the world, and his spirit becomes dismantled. However, since he was not able to contribute in the way he preferred, he led the way by giving specific instructions to the other characters in order to keep the dinghy afloat. Every member on the boat follows his directions. He commands very respectably. This... ...ibing two different qualities that is being used together in the same statement. In summary, â€Å"The Open Boat† is a highly intriguing story that can not only be read for pure enjoyment, but it also has a moral to the story. No matter where someone comes from in life, whether someone is the richest or the poorest person on Earth, he or she should always make sure to make it a point to look out for someone and have their back when they are struggling. By looking out for each other, just as they did in â€Å"The Open Boat,† they created strong everlasting friendships. If someone is being looked out for by someone else, then that person will make a point to return the favor as well. Life is just like the ocean. We might have our ups and our downs, but life never changes. The only thing that will affect the outcome of our lives is the perspective that we put toward our life.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Innovation Report for Bajaj

1. A critical review of its overall business strategy. (15%) Introduction of the company The group was founded in 1926, from the height of the British independent movement in India has a glorious history. Bajaj Group is one of the top 10 commercial establishments in India. Its footprint across a wide range of industry sectors, including automobiles (two-wheelers and three-wheelers). The Group's flagship company, Bajaj Auto, is listed as the world's fourth largest two-and three-wheeled motorcycle manufacturer Bajaj brand is well-known in several countries of Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. ttp://www. bajajauto. com/bajaj_corporate. asp * Company profile, (vision ,mission, brief history) Vision and Mission Statement Bajaj line of, vision and mission statement they defined its brand essence and brand value. The corporate brand is the visual expression of their own thoughts and actions convey their intent to continue to inspire confidence. The essence o f their brand, the brand is the soul of the enterprise. They are doing their own brand value, its value learning, innovation, perfection, speed and transparency. ValueLearning Learning is to how Bajaj ensure positive. This is a value; it contains a knowledge platform for building a moderately prosperous notice, reasonable and decisive action. Innovation Innovation is how Bajaj creating the future. This is a value, triggering significant beyond the pursuit of more than ordinary. Perfect Perfection Perfect is how Bajaj Jishu Li new standard. This is a value to show our determination, Excel, and efforts to establish a new benchmark, all the time. Speed Speed how Bajaj convey the clear conviction.This is a value; significant response reflects our commitment to our goals and process. Transparency Transparency is how Bajaj characteristics. It is a value worth through the credibility of integrity, trust sensitivity and loyalty through interdependence. http://corporatemissions. blogspot. s g/2007/10/bajaj-auto. html A Brief History – Integrity, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed, today is the characteristics of the group, often be traced back to its birth in those days the tireless dedication to a common cause.Jamnalal Bajaj, founder of the Group, is a close friend and disciple of Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, Gandhi had by him and his son. This close relationship, deeply involved in his independence movement did not leave Jamnalal Bajaj too much time is spent in his new commercial enterprise. In 1942, his son, Kamalnayan Bajaj, then 27, took over the business rule. He is too close to Gandhi's independence in 1947, his business is able to give his full attention. Kamalnayan Bajaj not only consolidated the Group, but also extended to a variety of production activities.The Rahul Erbaguji, Chairman of the Group, is responsible for the business in 1965. Under his leadership, the turnover of the Bajaj Auto's flagship company from INR. 72 million INR . 120 billion, its expanding product portfolio and brand to find a global market. He is one of India's most distinguished business leaders, his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit to be respected and internationally. * Company current business situation of the company. as per the above chart company financial position is mush stable and in a strong shoes of profitability. ompany is growing and developing back to back year by year. that's the reason behind it; it started recognizing as India's top two wheeler company and even company started globalizing very fast, it started creating footprints all over the world. before these last three years company face few number of looses that's the reason because of international crises. one of the another reason for these good business is its most challenging innovative products and its products demand in the market, today customers wait for the innovative product of the company. Current product/technology/process/patent that the compan y is having. Product- Currently Bajaj auto deals in both two wheelers and three wheelers vehicles. Technology Take a long time, use DTSI technology; Bajaj introduced the three Terry Poole SPRAK plug technology spark plug in the part-load conditions for better fuel efficiency, provide unprecedented performance and efficiency – and best combustion, and to ensure low emissions. Process Technology, this new status symbol Change a new, vibrant Bajaj Auto Is in close contact with customers, and believe in Speed nd innovation, to create excitement Through its products, focus on transparency. It is an identity, is to inspire confidence. It represents a new India Company. Patent Patent is in the two-wheeler sector product quality, technology up-gradation, customer service, changing environment http://www. universityessays. com/example-essays/english-language/the-bajaj-auto. php http://www. universityessays. com/example-essays/english-language/the-bajaj-auto. php#ixzz2Dn3XEfa3 * Curre nt industry (what is happening that can affect the business.Bajaj Auto introduced a new graphics engine as promised Bajaj India has launched the new 2012 models pulsars in January 2012. It was named â€Å"pulsar 200ns of. It is cooled by the liquid 200cc engine of 23. 17 horsepower at 8000 rpm at 9500rpm for a maximum torque of 18. 3 nm. However, it is expected that Bajaj pulsar line to rise. The face-lift is very necessary, because the pulsar was launched nearly a decade ago. Anyway, 200ns pulsar is a new product; new exhaust layout is now below 200 Duke Engine. The pulsar 200ns new styling and technology.It has a new design alloy wheels, instrument panel, fuel tank and the side of the spoon. http://autos. maxabout. com/bikes/bajaj/pulsar-2008/pulsar-200 2. Why is it necessary for them to employ innovation into the company (20%) (Application of theory from your lectures is required. ) Your analysis on innovation will focus on any of the following within the MNC(select min 2 theori es) You are expected to link /incorporate theories into the focus areas that you write. You are required to identify what is the issue that drives them to innovation.Thus you need to write on drivers to innovation. * Materials technology DTSI technology DTS-Fi wireless network connection and DTS-SI engine technology mother is very fuel-efficient. Engine technology also helps to reduce emissions and keep the environment clean and green. Technical innovations include new products and processes, product and process technology changes. If it has been on the market an innovation (product innovation) has been implemented. For example: – Bajaj Pulsar 200 NS bike next technological innovation known as pulsars, it is found these days in Mumbai.Reveal of technology innovation Bajaj car in the pulsar 2001 season and release pulsar in the last edition of the 2009 season. The organization also proposed that all release occurred in the pulsar motorcycle. The pulsar 200 NS is a 4-valve pres sure stage of technological innovation curiosity multiple technical innovation, providing better gas range and efficiency of the results. NS bare game. DTSI technology- Patented technologies pulsar follow road, the R & D lab bike competition.In the Automotive industry, driven technology innovation in different parts of the vehicle, and this trend will continue to be observed in all the major areas such as chassis, powertrain, electronics and security, among others. Such technical developments will occur not just in these areas, the arrival of new modular assembly techniques will transform the court systems and methods together. http://www. anticiv. info/tag/technological-innovation/ http://stats. oecd. org/glossary/detail. asp? ID=2688 http://www. efytimes. com/e1/fullnews. asp? edid=16466 * Factory process controlProcess innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method (including significant changes in technology, equipment and / or software) small changes or improvements to increase the capacity of production or service through increased production or logistics systemis very similar to those already in use, stop using it not be seen as a process, simple capital replacement or extension, change purely from changes in the prices of the factors of production, customization, regular seasonal and cyclical nature of the change, the new trading or significantly improved product innovation. http://www. innoviscop. com/en/definitions/process-innovation For example: – Bajaj Auto â€Å"Total Productive Maintenance† as a means to create a safe and participative work environment, the goal is to eliminate the loss of all employees, to continue to enhance the capacity, flexibility, reliability and ability to process, resulting higher staff morale to improve the profitability of the organization. The re-design of the processes, manufacturing approach was changed towards Lean Manufacturing (in lines of Toyota Pro duction System). Moving Towards lean production Changes in the results and focus – * Retain professional and critical process of internal and outsource the rest. * Multi-model assembly line and off-line settings. * Flexible machining centers – quick-change modules and tools. * One-way flow of plant layout. Lean production plants in the chakan plant * Process quality assurance (testing). * Quality Assurance SPC error proofing. * Rationalization of suppliers – to consolidate in the first-tier suppliers. * Direct line supply on the basis of pull systems (kanban). * Non-store materials and products promising. Multi-skilled labor, self-monitoring and self-certification. TPM (Total Productivity Management), a Japanese methodology a SPC (Statistical process Control), manufacturing operation. http://www. scribd. com/doc/22572622/Bajaj-Auto * MarketingDesign A closer look shows that about 40% of the R & D expenditures original equipment manufacturers and suppliers of all investments into innovation, never let the bike or never produced in sufficient quantities, due to the lack of market acceptance. Remaining 60% to 20% of necessary serial development.Another 20% is to fulfill the law of innovation, but does not add to the unique nature of the product. Under normal circumstances, these innovations do not pay off. This makes 20% of the profitable innovation investment, leaving only a small. More and more technology intense fighting in the sweet spot. Moment only about 10% of the development of automotive technology has the potential to become a blockbuster innovation. These technologies combine the two most relevant categories: the first category, the market potential is huge, including the purpose of the function, customer recognition, compliance and price level.Other classes, the high degree of innovation, the establishment of the technical differences in the market, better protection of intellectual property rights, high profits and long-term harv est. http://www. oliverwyman. com/pdf_files/CarInnovation2015_engl. pdf http://www. oliverwyman. com/pdf_files/CarInnovation2015_engl. pdf 3. What are the challenges when deployment of this innovation? (20%) Define the type of innovation use and how have they been deployed. Product innovation and challenges Write on the challenges encountered by the company when they introduced innovation. How are they overcome.What is the success todate? Compare with the previous before innovation. Support with evidence. Occupy wheeler market in India three years later, at the end of 1999, BAL consumer preferences change from the four-stroke motorcycles, motorcycle engines and forecast that this trend will continue in a higher scale. Motorcycle Sales in 2001 decreased by 41%, which is a real threat to the existence of BAL. A new set of emission standards (equivalent to Euro II emission standards) into force in 2000 two-stroke gasoline engine. Therefore, the scooters out of favor with the two-stroke engine.Applying the modified model proposed above, Bajaj Auto was losing market share due to change in consumer preferences, development of new market segments, and the availability of better products and scooters manufactured by their competitors. In the first step, the President of company Rahul Bajaj which is a change agent also identified the need for change suggested by Kurt Lewin, the current situation of making AIR hired conscious problems, a performance gap and the need for change. At the same time, he was commissioned and provided new leadership roles to the younger generation such as Rajiv Bajaj (Managing Director).In an attempt to regain market share, the company increased its production by 67. 6% in 2001 as a production motorcycle GEARED scooters fell by 44%. By 2001, the company was making as many as motorcycle gear Couple of Challenges Bajaj auto faces in between the ongoing process of innovation like lake of finance, public demand etc. The biggest challenge Bajaj aut o faces is to introduce new face product in the market for which Bajaj auto is not recognized in the market, problem was hesitating will customer like the innovation or not.The second thing making barriers in doing innovation is searching for knowledge employees. Bajaj find very difficult in searching for well skilled labor and even in molding the resident employees in the changing and innovating procedure in introducing new product. Because the stage was very crucialfor company when they started applying innovation even competitors was very aggregative in doing the same so company was left with no other option then creating successful innovation. Played an important role in the success of this phase of the leadership qualities change agent change.Change agent in the chair, the current market environment analysis and to identify the importance of change, in order to maintain market share and bring success on the road to pull Hu Erbaguji, who is our mission. He figured out in differe nt areas, such as the implementation of paragraph cruise segment, the high-end market, the best, etc. He also introduced into the company of young people, to give them more power to create customer surveys and general production requirements the idea is very important in a highly competitive market.Time and again, the 500 R and huge after the siege. Bajaj Auto Limited's portfolio, this change, these changes in a very short time after launched a new version of the motorcycle in every aspect, as part of the implementation of the â€Å"Boxer† and â€Å"character†, â€Å"the destroyer cruise segment ‘push', ‘the Avengers' and' found in the high-end market, the motorcycle industry in India, which is a huge success. This shift public by Bajaj scooter motorcycle thinking stereotype, especially the new generation, who are looking for more performance and stylish bike caused a huge impact.The turning point in this process of change is the introduction of the produc t, ‘Knock' and ‘DTSI technology, to help them capture their names under the two-wheeler market, and victory over their rivals Hero Honda. ‘ In June 2006, the company announced its plans to increase the production capacity from 3. 5 million units in 2009 to 5. 1 million units a year, of which two-wheelers is 4. 6 million units of capacity. According to their plan, they recently launched 220cc variant of its popular pulsar motorcycle. 004 Bajaj Auto to change their old identity and create a new logo and brand line, in order to update its new brand identity. This proved something of a visual help to clarify the organization needs to move in the direction (Cote, 2007). These visions and their achievements, the stability of the organization in a new state of equilibrium. http://www. ukessays. com/essays/india/bajaj-auto-limited. php 4. Evaluate Business Success (40%) Compare the before implementation ( market share/position/revenue/process/structure/strategies†¦ et c) to today’s outcome.Contrast them in terms of your writing ( theories you apply). Product innovation DTSi technology DTS-I A patented technology, achieved the pulsar follow road, the R & D lab bike competition. In the heart of each pulsar is one of the country's most advanced engine technology. DTS-i system. A technological marvel to ensure the highest performance, lowest consumption and emission levels possible. We will be happy to let a Pulsar maniac like you to know this breakthrough technology behind the secret of the pulsar. DTS-i engine Dual-spark ignition Normal ignition system has a single spark plug.Spark-generated flame front will take some time to reach the entire combustion chamber. Therefore, the combustion of the air – fuel mixture is slow and incomplete. The case of two spark plugs, both spark plugs fire simultaneously. This simultaneous firing and eddy current, in the complete combustion of the air – fuel mixture results. This action is the DTS -i digital control system (dual spark plug Smart CDI, TRICS III) Interests -Complete combustion of the air – fuel mixture without sacrificing mileage output case, gives the maximum power. To ensure that the emissions of environmentally friendlyDTS-i engine TRICS III Power and torque requirements constantly change, depending on the rider cruising, acceleration or high speed / maximum speed. The throttle response ignition control system – III is an intelligent system that can quickly adapt to the ignition time, in order to adapt to different riding characteristics. Interests: TRICS III will help to achieve a good balance between the low-to mid-range torque and top-end power. This helps to easily ride in different conditions, such as flyovers, hilly terrain, dense traffic and highway cruising The TRICS III patent Bajaj Motors LimitedDTS-i engine Intelligent C. D. I. Intelligent capacitor discharge ignition contains a microprocessor, which continuously sensing a different speed and the engine load, and by changing the ignition timing in response. The memory of the microprocessor together work with TRICSIII system, provide optimum ignition timing for any given engine speed, thereby obtaining the best combustion performance. Interests: Improve fuel efficiency and reduce engine noise and vibration, smoother power delivery. Bajaj Auto's patent Smart CDI DTS-i engine EXHAUSTECExhaust is a device that is registered in the exhaust system. TEC representative of torque expansion chamber. It is fitted into a tuning box (resonators) of the exhaust manifold The low speed area, ExhaustTEC helps to create a negative pressure pulse (vacuum) of the exhaust valve to suck the air – fuel mixture into the more the intake valve opening the cylinder. Interests: ExhaustTEC produce high torque. Does not require frequent shifting of flow, as the vehicle, even in the lower speed higher gear pull capability. ExhaustTEC patented by Bajaj Auto Ltd. 4 VALVESThe combustion chamber has 1/3 of the area covered by the valve head of a typical 2-valve engine, but an increase of more than 50% 4-valve head region. Also improved due to the flow passage area of the intake port and an exhaust valve port / channel. This is conducive to the induction of more the amount of charge (air – fuel mixture), and all the combustion gas of the combustion chamber is evacuated to ensure faster, cleaner and more efficient combustion. This engine has two intake and 2 1, 2-valve engine into a gas and the exhaust valve of the exhaust valve.These valves are small compared to the 2-valve engine, light weight. 4 valves (two intake and two exhaust valves), to improve the breathing method – the engine's intake and exhaust process†¦ PULSAR CLASSIC 2000 – 2001 October 2001 The nineties witnessed ‘and' generation was born. Work hard and party hard, Western and Indian values. The calm young Indians, masculine, stylish, well-deserved different. But they get a 100cc commuter bike. Changedforever in 2001. The first generation of pulsar is a huge success. It is not only the introduction of a new motorcycle, but also to create a new dimension – performance.When the family to discuss mileage, pulsar riders start talking about torque, rebound power – weight ratio. With pulsars, the bike no longer just a means of transport, rather than the person with the machine between the relationships began to be forged. Pulsar launch two variants, 150 ml and 180 ml, is indeed the man† PULSAR UG1 2002 – 2003 October 2003 Since the time of its launch pulsar ruled the heart of this country has been the rule of the road, and its first upgrade. Sold more than three times higher than competitive cycling, the pulsar is a rapidly bad boy on the block.Revolutionary DTS-i technology, introduced in the the excessive competition pulsar bike, it still has a clear competitive advantage. DTS-I's advertising campaign, along with the launch of this generation pulsar also redefined the Indian motorcycle ad – This is the first bike ads show one wheel off the ground bike – irreverent image pulsar was born. Increase power to 16 and 13 PS 180 and 150, respectively. PULSAR UG2 2004 – 2005 November 2004 Each pulsar upgrade two aspects – styling and technology. Significant change at the same time, each time re-defined section.The game continuously toes try to keep at least just to keep behind the pulsar pulsarpulsar madman ahead. The UG2 many technology upgrades, launched during this period until the date of the pulsar, and a standard in the industry – 17 â€Å"alloy wheels, allowing greater suspension travel, nitrogen oxide suspension and the legendary ExhausTEC. In shape on the wider rear tire, tire environmentalists and all black cast Pulsar180. Improve the power of the 180 and 150, respectively, in 16. 5 and 13. 5 PS†¦ PULSAR UG3 2006 October 2006 Pulsar road in 2006, crossed the one million mark, many pulsar madman.Pulsar is no longer just a bike, which is a youth brand, and market leader in the field of sports, with a 50% market share, and that is to keep to the date. Our leadership, through hard work and toil Bajaj Auto Team – UG3 number of the largest total upgrade, ushered in the digital age. This is the first time, digital odometer, backlight switch, self-cancel indicators, and LED taillights introduced. Multiple sensors and digital mixer bike rider's overall performance, a lot of information, and promote additional power, to pulsars thrown confidence. The increased power of 14 PS 150 PULSAR200 DTS-I PULSAR220 DTS-FI 2007 – 2008February 2007 India's first bike to break 200 ml obstacles on the road – Pulsar 200 and 220. Change and Pulsar bike in India once again lead this revolution. Although 200CC is equipped with a carburettor, 220cc fuel injected! These babies might throw downs power of 18 and 20 ps, and blatantly oil cooler. 220 al so have front and rear disc brake. PULSAR UG4 2009 May 2009 On Road 2,000,000 pulsar delivered in three years, more than 3 million of the total number of pulsars India. This time to the sports field is also extended to the more than 15 brands from all the major manufacturers, such as Honda, Yamaha, Hero Honda, TVS.The segment accounted for about 17% of the total motorcycle sales, pulsar, its 50% market share, it still maintained a half contribution. 150 the clip-handle and 15Ps of power in February 2010. January 2010 Looking for the legendary 200 customers and the general public needs Pulsar220 also launched a deep-rooted in the minds of a Street Fighter avatar. The fastest growing segment in the motorcycle industry, 50% of the market share, more than 4 million of the pulsar is sold. Exports to over 30 countries, the pulsar is by far the biggest brands in the Indian motorcycle and eyes hegemony in the world soon. ttp://mypulsar. com/technology. aspx http://mypulsar. com/history. asp x Process Innovation Model in the late 1990s, the early 2000s – will lean production * economic situation, development through liberalization * Fierce competition. * Improve the customer's wishes – More models and upgrades. Third level * 110% of the to do the project in the late 1990s, Bajaj Auto Lean Manufacturing at Chakan Plant * Re-design process, manufacturing methods, and change to * lean production (Toyota Production System) line. * TPM (Total Productive Management), Japan's methods and SPC (statistical process control) manufacturing operations. Moving towards Lean Manufacturing * The result of the change and focus – * Retention of professional and critical process of internal and outsource the rest. * Set more model assembly line and off line. * Flexible machining centres – quick-change modules and tools. * The plant layout * The single one-way flow. Lean Manufacturing at Chakan Plant * The process of quality assurance (testing). * By SPC error pr oofing quality assurance. * Rationalization of suppliers – to consolidate in a supplier. * Directly online supply based on pull systems (kanban). Of shops promising material and products. * Multi-skilledlabor force, self-monitoring and self-certification. Towards lean manufacturing – a huge change * This is a huge change. * Bajaj car driving through the railway's new factory. * (About 20 km away from Pune plant) * A small number of major suppliers of railway factory. * Improve our near these plants, which gives a good advantage. Lean Manufacturing at Chakan Plant * The project 110% was supported by Project 110% IT. * Bajaj Auto implemented SAP ERP. * Towards lean manufacturing – IT support * supply chain processes MRP planning schedule * Schedule SAP portal vendors visibility. * that is based on daily necessities supply lines consumption. * The introduction of the E-Kanban. † * supplies sequencing the paint shop, assembly line production schedule synchroni zation. * JIT supply (our request) the major suppliers – * Components and sub-assemblies in accordance with JIT requirements * Supply, in 2-4 hours’ time interval. Towards Lean Manufacturing – Electronic Kanban * material supply and service revenue * Create on the the electronic billboards line the consumption in the system. Suppliers establish open E-Kanban quantity invoice. * verify invoice after upload to our SAP system * The use of Internet-based EDI. * Unique ASN (advanced shipping notice), each power supply. * EDI numbers is what we call * Then printed on the invoice number of bar code EDI. * Forwarded by scanning EDI No. materials in plants * The creation of genetic resources without the need for manual data entry. Towards lean manufacturing – * Hair this lean supply process results. * productivity per employee – Vehicles – increase10 ten * Component inventory – reducing the stock of the week and a half shift. finished goods in ventory – to reduce the stock of one to three days * Quality improvements – Improved 20000 PPM

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Somparison between watching movies at home or at the cinema Essay

Naturally, humans always like to amuse themselves whenever they get bored, but the way of amusement differ from one time to another. Nowadays movies have become one of the major way of entertainment especially for families and friends. For me movies are bigger than that, in fact they inspire us and can really touch our feelings, also they can redefine our way of thinking. However, when watching a movie at home is it like watching the same movie but in the movie theater. We always seek for the best and now I started to wonder which one is the best when watching a movie, TV which is at home or the nice and big screen in the cinema. Although they bear some superficial similarities, the differences between watching a movie at home and watching a move at the theater are clear. If the best was watching the movie at home, would it be the right choice despite the big screen of the movie theater. Actually watching a movie at home do have many things that cinema do not have. For example, when we watch a movie at home we totally have 100% privacy, so that we can discuss things we like or did not understand while watching the movie, also we can wear any cloths that make us comfortable such as pajamas or frumpy cloths. In addition to that, we are not subject to any rules or guidance that we should obey or follow, basically we have the right to do anything we want such as pause the movie for a while, rewind to play something we liked again or even forward the movie so we can skip any part in the movie we did not like. On the other hand, watching a movie at home could be somehow disturbing, especially from the family members, as a result we cannot enjoy the movie in a nice and quiet atmosphere. Moreover there are always something going on at home, we really cannot expect what will happened during watching a movie so that could destroy our sense of excitement or even ruin the movie. If we choose to watch the movie at the cinema, it is true we will not have the privacy, nevertheless we will feel the hanger to watch the movie while we are surrounded by other people who also came to sheer us that feeling. Cinemas always have higher quality than homes because they have bigger screen and better and suitabl e voice quality for everyone. Also movie theater provide nice and comfortable cheers so we can enjoy watching the movie while we are relaxing in comfortable seats. Furthermore, we will have the quiet and nighty atmosphere and we won’t be worrying about disturbing from others while we are watching. In fact when we grab our family or our  friends to watch a movie at the cinema, this could be a good and memorable experience. However cinemas do have some disadvantages such as going to the cinema could be more expensive than watching the movie at home, we may not like to sit next to stringers and even we maybe have to be aware of them. Also we have to follow the rules, sit appropriately and one of the rules of the cinema is that we are prohibited to scream or loudly laugh so we have to be quiet , all those things could be a little bet annoying. In my opinion, watching a movie is always excitement despite the place we watch the movie in. actually, it is one way for us to know and understand other cultures. But as a matter of fact I would like to experience watching a movie in a cinema while hanging out with my friends. So the real question i s, where do you prefer to watch a movie at home or at the cinema? The decision is to be made by you. For instance when the decision is made just do not hesitate and hope it will be the best choice for you.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What Fail to Reject Means in a Hypothesis Test

What 'Fail to Reject' Means in a Hypothesis Test In statistics, scientists can perform a number of different significance tests to determine if there is a relationship between two phenomena. One of the first they usually perform is a null hypothesis test. In short, the null hypothesis states that there is no meaningful relationship between two measured phenomena. After a performing a test, scientists can: Reject the null hypothesis (meaning there is a definite, consequential relationship between the two phenomena), or Fail to reject the null hypothesis (meaning the test has not identified a consequential relationship between the two phenomena) Key Takeaways: The Null Hypothesis In a test of significance, the null hypothesis states that there is no meaningful relationship between two measured phenomena. By comparing the null hypothesis to an alternative hypothesis, scientists can either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis cannot be positively proven. Rather, all that scientists can determine from a test of significance is that the evidence collected does or does not disprove the null hypothesis. It is important to note that a failure to reject does not mean that the null hypothesis is true- only that the test did not prove it to be false. In some cases, depending on the experiment, a relationship may exist between two phenomena that is not identified by the experiment. In such cases, new experiments must be designed to rule out alternative hypotheses. Null vs. Alternative Hypothesis The null hypothesis is considered the default in a scientific experiment. In contrast, an alternative hypothesis is one that claims that there is a meaningful relationship between two phenomena. These two competing hypotheses can be compared by performing a statistical hypothesis test, which determines whether there is a statistically significant relationship between the data. For example, scientists studying the water quality of a stream may wish to determine whether a certain chemical affects the acidity of the water. The null hypothesis- that the chemical has no effect on the water quality- can be tested by measuring the pH level of two water samples, one of which contains some of the chemical and one of which has been left untouched. If the sample with the added chemical is measurably more or less acidic- as determined through statistical analysis- it is a reason to reject the null hypothesis. If the samples acidity is unchanged, it is a reason to not reject the null hypothesis. When scientists design experiments, they attempt to find evidence for the alternative hypothesis. They do not try to prove that the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is assumed to be an accurate statement until contrary evidence proves otherwise. As a result, a test of significance does not produce any evidence pertaining to the truth of the null hypothesis. Failing to Reject vs. Accept In an experiment, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis should be carefully formulated such that one and only one of these statements is true. If the collected data supports the alternative hypothesis, then the null hypothesis can be rejected as false. However, if the data does not support the alternative hypothesis, this does not mean that the null hypothesis is true. All it means is that the null hypothesis has not been disproven- hence the term failure to reject. A failure to reject a hypothesis should not be confused with acceptance. In mathematics, negations are typically formed by simply placing the word â€Å"not† in the correct place. Using this convention, tests of significance allow scientists to either reject or not reject the null hypothesis. It sometimes takes a moment to realize that â€Å"not rejecting† is not the same as accepting. Null Hypothesis Example In many ways, the philosophy behind a test of significance is similar to that of a trial. At the beginning of the proceedings, when the defendant enters a plea of â€Å"not guilty,† it is analogous to the statement of the null hypothesis. While the defendant may indeed be innocent, there is no plea of â€Å"innocent† to be formally made in court. The alternative hypothesis of â€Å"guilty† is what the prosecutor attempts to demonstrate. The presumption at the outset of the trial is that the defendant is innocent. In theory, there is no need for the defendant to prove that he or she is innocent. The burden of proof is on the prosecuting attorney, who must marshal enough evidence to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Likewise, in a test of significance, a scientist can only reject the null hypothesis by providing evidence for the alternative hypothesis. If there is not enough evidence in a trial to demonstrate guilt, then the defendant is declared â€Å"not guilty.† This claim has nothing to do with innocence; it merely reflects the fact that the prosecution failed to provide enough evidence of guilt. In a similar way, a failure to reject the null hypothesis in a significance test does not mean that the null hypothesis is true. It only means that the scientist was unable to provide enough evidence for the alternative hypothesis. For example, scientists testing the effects of a certain pesticide on crop yields might design an experiment in which some crops are left untreated and others are treated with varying amounts of pesticide. Any result in which the crop yields varied based on pesticide exposure- assuming all other variables are equal- would provide strong evidence for the alternative hypothesis (that the pesticide does affect crop yields). As a result, the scientists would have reason to reject the null hypothesis.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Traditional Vs. Roth IRA Your Ultimate IRA Guide

Traditional Vs. Roth IRA Your Ultimate IRA Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips IRAs, or independent retirement accounts, are tax-advantaged savings accounts that help you save money for retirement. There are two main types, traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, and they work in slightly different ways. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about traditional and Roth IRAs and help you decide which type of account is better for you. Before delving into the differences, let’s go over what you need to know about independent retirement accounts in general. What Is an IRA? An IRA is a type of savings account designed to help you save for retirement. IRAs offer a major tax advantage wherein your money is only ever taxed once. In a brokerage account, your money can be taxed twice. An IRA is made up of financial products like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The money you contribute will slowly grow over time as a result of annual compound interest. Typically, savings in IRAs grow at a rate of 5% to 7% each year. While this growth won’t look like much at first, it can add up significantly over the decades. If you start saving in your twenties rather than your thirties, you’ll see a huge difference in returns. When it comes to saving for retirement, you’re much better off the earlier you start. While you can start contributing to an IRA at any time, you must abide by an IRA contribution limit. Read on to find out how much money you can put each year into your IRA. By putting your money in a protected environment, it can grow significantly bigger over time. How Much Can You Contribute to an IRA? Whether you have a traditional IRA or Roth IRA, you can only contribute up to $5,500 per year. This was the IRA contribution limit for 2015 and 2016. It could change in years to come due to inflation. If you’re over 50 years old, then you can contribute $1,000 more for a yearly total of $6,500. This extra $1,000 added to the IRA contribution limits is considered a â€Å"catch up† contribution to help out those who didn’t max out their limits in earlier years. Most people contribute to their IRAs via automatic monthly payments. You can put in as much or as little as you like, but you’ll see the greatest long-term benefit by contributing up to the $5,500 limit. Now that you have a general sense of IRAs and how they help you save for retirement, let’s look closer at the differences between a traditional vs. a Roth IRA. People 50 and over can contribute an additional $1,000 per year to catch up as they round the bases toward retirement. Roth vs. Traditional IRA: How Are They Different? The major difference between a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA has to do with how your money is taxed. By learning about the different tax structure, you can figure out which one is more advantageous to you, depending on your age and financial profile. The second difference when you look at Roth vs. traditional IRA has to do with when you can withdraw money. Consider the tax and withdrawal rules for traditional IRAs, followed by the tax and withdrawal Roth IRA rules. Tax Advantages of a Traditional IRA Traditional IRAs allow your money to grow completely un-taxed until you take it out. You contribute pre-taxed money, which grows in your account until you withdraw. While your money is tax deductible when you contribute to a traditional IRA account, it’s taxed normally when you withdraw. You’ll pay all the taxes that you didn’t pay before, but you may find that you’re saving money on taxes overall. Why? You may be in a lower tax bracket when you retire than you were when you were working and contributing money to your IRA. Traditional IRA Withdrawal Rules When you contribute money to a traditional IRA, you can’t touch it until you’re 59  ½ without penalty. If you withdraw money before, then you’ll have to pay a hefty 10% penalty. It’s recommended that you take out about 4% of your savings per year during retirement. Some accounts also have required minimum withdrawals (RMDs) that compel you to take out a certain amount of money once you hit 70  ½. Even if you’re still working at age 70  ½, you’ll be required to start withdrawing money from your IRA. the amount of the RMD varies by individual and is calculated based on your account balance and age. When you contribute to a traditional IRA, your money is basically kept under lock and key until you’re 59  ½. Tax Advantages of a Roth IRA While traditional IRAs are taxed later, Roth IRAs are taxed now. In other words, you contribute money that’s already been taxed to a Roth IRA. You don’t get any tax breaks for your contributions, but you won’t have to pay any taxes when you withdraw. Basically, a Roth IRA works in the exact opposite way of a traditional IRA. You pay taxes when you contribute and not when you withdraw, whereas with a traditional IRA you pay taxes when you withdraw and not when you contribute. Roth IRA Withdrawal Rules Roth IRA rules are more flexible than those of traditional IRAs about when you can withdraw your money. You can take out money from a Roth IRA at any time without penalty as long as you’ve held the account for at least five years. Technically, you can only withdraw money you’ve contributed without penalty. You can’t touch any earnings on your contributions until you retire. Roth IRAs also don’t have any RMDs, so you’re not required to take out your money once you surpass a certain age. With a Roth IRA, you could withdraw all your funds after five years to buy that pleasure yacht you’ve had your eye on. But, you probably shouldn’t. Traditional IRA vs. Roth Ira- Which One Should You Choose? Given the difference between Roth IRA rules and traditional IRA rules, which account would be more beneficial to you? The answer to that question largely depends on your age and current tax bracket. Younger people typically benefit more from a Roth IRA. They have plenty of time for their money to grow until retirement, and they’re usually in a lower tax bracket than they will be in 10 or 20 years. If you’re in your twenties and your tax bracket is 20% or lower, then you’ll probably benefit from a Roth IRA. People who are older and/or in a high tax bracket will probably do better with a traditional IRA. They can contribute more money, since it’s not taxed, and pay taxes when they’re in a lower tax bracket after retirement. To see how tax brackets affect your savings in an IRA account, consider the chart below. If your tax rate is lower in retirement Traditional Roth Current tax rate 25% Tax rate in retirement 15% Annual investment $5,500 $5,500 After-tax value in retirement* $613,313 $598,444 *Based on moderate growth (around 8% annual return) over 30 years If your tax rate is higher in retirement Traditional Roth Current tax rate 25% Tax rate in retirement 33% Annual investment $5,500 $5,500 After-tax value in retirement* $505,593 $598,444 *Based on moderate growth (around 8% annual return) over 30 years If your tax rate goes down in retirement, then you’ll have more money from a traditional IRA. If your tax rate goes up, then you’ll end up with more savings from a Roth IRA. A secondary factor to consider when deciding between a traditional and Roth IRA is your financial self-control. As you read above, the two types of IRAs have different withdrawal rules. Will you be able to resist withdrawing money from a Roth IRA before retirement? Since there’s no penalty for withdrawing after five years, you’ll need to set limits on your spending so you don’t end up splurging on a luxury vacation to Fiji with your hard-earned money that was supposed to go toward retirement. If you don’t have clear cut answers to either of these considerations, then you might consider opening both types of IRAs. Choosing between a traditional IRA and Roth IRA requires that you consider the balance between your tax bracket and years until retirement. Can You Choose Both Types of IRAs? If you’re unsure which account is more advantageous to you, then you could consider setting up both a traditional and a Roth IRA. If you start to see real advantages to one over the other, then you could roll your money over to one account. Before opening both types, you should carefully consider the implications of taxes. If you opt for the Roth IRA, then you’ll have to pay taxes on any money that you roll over from a traditional IRA. This money would have otherwise grown untaxed until you withdrew it at age 59  ½. You should also note that opening both types of accounts won’t increase your yearly contribution limit. If you choose both types of IRAs, then the $5,500 limit applies to both. You can only contribute $5,500 collectively to your retirement savings accounts per year. Choosing both types of accounts is unnecessarily complicated for the majority of people. You should only do so if you’ve done some serious calculations and feel that it would be financially beneficial to you in the long term. For most of us, choosing one type of account based on our age and current tax bracket is the better way to go. Once you’ve chosen your type of IRA, how do you get about setting up an account? If you're having trouble deciding between types of IRAs, you could hedge your bets and open both. How to Set Up an IRA There are a number of IRA providers with whom you can set up an account. Most require a minimum investment up front, but some are a lot lower than others. When you set up an account, you can either set it on auto-pilot or take a hands-on approach to choosing your investments and designing your portfolio. Below are six recommendations for the best IRA providers, but first, let’s go over the factors you should consider when choosing an IRA provider. What to Look for When Choosing an IRA Provider The best IRA providers offer some or all of the following: Low account fees Low account minimums Good customer service and educational resources for new investors Low fees for trading stocks (this mostly applies to people looking to take an active approach to building their portfolio) If you fall in the majority of people who want someone else to manage their account, then you should look for a managed account or a target-date fund. In these types of account, you’ll pretty much only have to set your estimated date of retirement. A broker will do the rest. Now that you know what to look for in an IRA account and provider, check out the suggestions for the top six IRA providers. When choosing an IRA account, you should look for low account fees and low account minimums. Best IRA Providers for 2016 Based on the factors listed above, these six providers rose to the top for their low account fees, strong customer service, and other offerings. TD Ameritrade - popular provider with strong resources and support for new investor. TD Ameritrade doesn’t require any minimum balance, and it has a large selection of funds to choose from. One downside is that its trade commission fees are higher than usual at $9.99. TD Ameritrade, then, is a better choice for the new or hands-off investor, but not as popular among active traders. Vanguard - another popular low-cost provider with a $0 minimum balance. Vanguard is especially strong when it comes to target-date funds, where you set your date of retirement and don’t have to do much else. E*Trade - a provider with a large selection of funds and no account minimums. E*Trade stands out for its user-friendly website. Wealthfront - this provider manages accounts of up to $10,000 for no fee. Wealthfront, then, is good for the average investor who wants to take a hands-off approach. Betterment - like Wealthfront, Benefit is appealing to the hands-off investor. It tends to cater to people with large balances of $100k or more. Options House - best for active traders. Options House has a lower than average per trade fee of just $4.95. Once you’ve decided between a traditional and Roth IRA and chosen your provider, how do you open your account? When it comes to choosing an IRA provider, you've got options. Delicious, delicious options. How to Open an IRA Account Opening an IRA account is an easy, online sign-up process. Just head to the website of your chosen provider and fill out the IRA application. You’ll enter personal information, including your social security number and employment information. Most providers offer a different kinds of accounts, so you'll choose the one you want to open. Here's an example from TD Ameritrade's "Open New Account" page. Source: TD Ameritrade You’ll also indicate how you’ll fund the account, e.g., through automatic monthly transfer from your bank account. You can also transfer money from an existing IRA or 401k (an employer-sponsored retirement account). Depending on your funding choice, you may need your account and routing number or the account number of a separate account. The best way to make the most of your IRA is to deposit money on a monthly basis, to max out your annual contribution limit, and to start as early as you can. If you start saving in your twenties, then you could have a savings account with hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time you retire. In closing, let’s go over the key points you need to remember about IRAs. Opening your IRA account is the first step toward a secure retirement! Saving for Retirement in an IRA: Key Takeaways When it comes to saving for retirement, it’s never too early to start. Because your money grows in an IRA, you’ll see significantly more earnings the longer your money is invested in the account. IRA accounts are especially beneficial because of their tax advantages. Your money will only ever be taxed once, either when you withdraw it, as in a traditional IRA, or when you contribute it, as in a Roth IRA. Both accounts have advantages, and the one you choose should largely depend on your age and current tax bracket. While you should figure out which account will maximize your savings, in truth, you can’t go wrong with either. Both are tax-advantaged accounts that will help you save up money that you’ll rely on later in life. By opening and contributing to an IRA, you invest in your future and let your money work for you. What's Next? What is ROA, and how can looking at it provide you with helpful investment information? We discuss the meaning of ROA (return on assets) and how you can use it in this article. Not ready to open up an IRA but still looking for ways to save? Try the 365-day penny challenge!